H&J is a litigation investment company that purchases and funds litigation and arbitration claims. We specialise in buying claims from insolvent companies and individuals. We also have experience of purchasing claims from solvent companies, insurance policyholders and executors of probate estates. We then litigate the claim ourselves, taking the expense and risk. We usually structure assignments so that we share the proceeds of the claim with the assignor – therefore our interests are aligned throughout the litigation. We all want to get the best result, as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our introduction to the litigation will help to achieve that.
H&J also provides litigation funding for meritorious claims that claimants are unable or unwilling to fund themselves. We specialise in funding claims with a value of up to £20m with lower funding requirements – in particular where funding of discrete items is required such as funding of disbursements and/or the payment of ATE premiums.
We work with a range of companies, individuals, insolvency practitioners and creditors to maximise recoveries from legal claims without them incurring the risk and costs involved with litigation. Litigation may not always be an attractive or viable option for many reasons, but that shouldn’t mean the claim has no value. And even when litigating the claim is feasible, selling it may be an attractive alternative.
We also provide independent directorship, fiduciary and representative services and specialise in taking appointments in contentious situations, frequently within an insolvency context.
We are a team of expert litigators and accountants with years of experience of complex and high-value litigation.
We develop creative and innovative structures for assignment that are tailored to the facts of each case and the requirements of assignors.
We aim to look at cases from a different perspective and our innovative assignment model allows us to say 'yes' to cases deemed to pose a higher risk that other funders/purchasers may turn down.
Our experienced team of litigators will devise a strategy for the claim designed to achieve a successful outcome in the most efficient way.
We aim to respond to cases submitted to us within 7 days. We will respond either with a decision in principle or with details of further information we require to make a decision.
We will use the best team for the job, working with the best solicitors, counsel and experts.
When we take on a case, we make sure we have the right team for the job. Invariably this will be the incumbent solicitors with historical knowledge working with our expert in-house team to reduce costs. If a new legal team is required we have excellent relationships we can call upon.
If you have a case you'd like us to review please send us details using this form. However, other than your contact details, the fields are not mandatory and merely indicative of the information that may help us to process your claim quicker. If you'd prefer, please feel free to drop us an email at: